Bogdan Adrian
Bogdan Adrian
<script>Hi there, I am Adrian, JavaScript developer.</script>
I have been learning JavaScript for more than 4 years now, every single day! I'm far from being a specialist, but as Kyle Simpson says: "Nobody really is!". I'm doing ok with JavaScript in my humble opinion!
I like to think that I am highly specialized in React. I am working professionally as React developer and I am building enterprise React apps! My goal is to master React and become a reference point for it!
Node Js
Node Js is JavaScript running outside its natural environment - the browser! I'm using Node on daily basis on my job and I can say that I'm a Node Js developer! Node Js can do much more than API routes with Express, and I use Node for different, not so common tasks!
It took me quite some time to be able to use CSS at a professional level. I still have a lot to learn, but at least now I can lay down any kind of template just using raw CSS! This blog is made with raw CSS!